Thursday, September 18, 2014

Bracelet-ing 101: Knotty Bracelet Tutorial

Knotty Bracelet Tutorial from Pepperell Braiding Company
Knotty Bracelet Tutorial from Pepperell Braiding Company.

Sleek, stylish, simple! This sweet bracelet is quick and easy to make.

To make a bracelet you'll need:
  • Two 7.5-8 inch pieces of Bungee Cord (we used Pink/Orange)
  • Two complete Spring Closures
  • Clear-drying craft glue
  • Jeweler's pliers (available in the jewelry section of your favorite craft shop)
  • Scissors
  1. Fold the two pieces of Bungee in half and follow the illustrations below for making the Reef Knot:

    Reef Knot Instructions - Copyright Pepperell Braiding Company
    Reef Knot Instructions
  2. Insert each of the 4 ends into the spring closures. Follow closure instructions; using jeweler's pliers to secure. Apply clear-drying craft glue to finish.
That's it! Really-really ;-) This bracelet is so simple, you can whip up a bunch of these in such a short amount of time. We remade this project using 6mm Bonnie Braid with a Hook Closure. Just follow the directions above to complete. The only additional step is that the ends were twisted before gluing into the closure for an added effect.

Reef Knotted Bracelet with 6mm Bonnie Braid - Pepperell Braiding Company
Reef Knotted Bracelet with 6mm Bonnie Braid.

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